As soon as we exited the train, Emily insisted on finding a snack. You do need energy to shop. We bought a big soft pretzel and headed to a Jeffery Koons exhibit I had wanted to see. I decided to use the opportunity to indoctrinate Emily into loving art. We entered the gallery only to find it closed for the next two weeks. The guards directed us to the Museum of Modern Art around the corner. As we ventured toward the museum, we found a Zaget rated cafe to stop in for lunch. A cookie, quiche, and cappuccino later, we headed to the museum. I loved the gallery. The space alone evoked a wow from my daughter as we went into the first room. Several photographers' work hung on the first floor while the second and third floors exhibited a room filled with words and an artist protesting consumption. Emily giggled when we came across a statue resembling pieces of poop on the floor. I think it was her favorite.
A back ally on the way to the first museum
Enjoying lunch
We walked back to the Zeil, Frankfurt's famous pedestrian shopping street, to find H&M. Emily picked out blouses, pants, headbands, tights and dresses. A lot of pink for my taste. But it is her style and that is what is important to me.
P.S. - Emily wanted everyone to see the acorn she collected with the Madagascar sign in the backdrop.