Most telephone calls home consist of breads, meats, vegetables, and cookies. Instead of "How was the wedding shower?" my grandmother will ask "What food did they serve?" Conversations with Jenny begin, "What cookies did you make this week?" My mother, at my request, described in detail the menu for dinner with my brother's future in-laws tonight. She told me to call tomorrow to tell her if the yeast in my pumpkin-cinnamon rolls worked correctly. So in that vain...
Peanut butter cookies. Loved them. We ate the entire batch. I may have to start marathon training again.
Meatball sliders. My harshest food critics, Emily and Owen, ate every bite. I conferred with both Grandma and Anne on the slow rising of the rolls - a 100 degree oven did the trick. The kids insist on Halloween plates and napkins.
Pumpkin muffins. Kelly, this recipe is a close second to yours, which I still have in your writing on a small index card. I actually switched the flour once for ground flax seed and whole wheat. I insisted the healthy ingredients reinvented them from a dessert to a breakfast. The Grinch I married ruled against it, "The chocolate chips negate any nutrition."
Roast chicken with dijon sauce and biscuits. I brined the chicken for 24 hrs for a noticeable increase in tenderness. The sauce - blah.
Moules a la mariniere and pommes frites. After cleaning up Dave asked, "Now what's for dinner?" Definitely not filling enough.
Apple mosaic tart with salted carmel. I will never make this dish again. While it cooked, Owen I completed his monster truck. I am still impressed with the detail in these Lego kits. I considering the
Haunted Mansion for our next project - well if Congress passes a spending bill.
Frico grilled cheese and tomato soup. Perfect for a rainy 40 degree Friday night with a glass of red wine and the "Croods" playing in the background.
And a quick cookie (failure)
Oatmeal, chocolate chip and pecan cookies: Unable to find pecans, I used walnuts from Trader Joes. Not such a great idea. Let's just say, my entire building enjoyed hot cookies, but Dave and the kids just ate ice cream.