Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Markets

Allison and I planned to spend Monday in Nurnberg - a two hour and fifteen minute drive from Frankfurt.  Nurnberg boasts the biggest and oldest Christmas market in Germany along with other sites such as the former Nazi Rally Grounds.  We opted to focus on the amazing ornaments, German "smokers", and more gluhwein and skip the troubling history.

I just don't understand the appeal of these prune men.

I bought a skiing Santa smoker.

I had to work Allison's last day in Frankfurt.  She suggested she go with Dave to get our Christmas tree since I had to work the following two weekends.  Yes, she traveled over the Atlantic Ocean to spend one of her five precious days running errands and decorating my apartment.  How lucky am I?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Allison Arrives

Allison, my first and second year UVA roommate, sacrifed turkey, stuffing, and family gatherings to enjoy currywurst, jagerschnitzel, and our company in Frankfurt.  She landed at 7:05 am on Black Friday and quickly acclimated.  After a short nap, we headed downtown for a four hour tour through the Christmas market, the Zeil, the Dom and a quick stop at MAC.  Dave and the kids biked in the snowy-mixture to meet us for a German dinner.

She brought the kids a bracelet weaver, which of course they loved.  (She also showed me a more efficient way to load my dishwasher.)  The next day, we went to our favorite farmer's market and introduced her to the best waffles in Frankfurt (pretty much in the world).  As Allison and I headed to the art museum to see Durer, Germany's beloved Renaissance artist, Emily protested, "Mommy, you are hogging Allison.  She is here to play with us."

On Sunday,  we visited Trier, Germany's oldest city located at the top of the Mosel Valley.  Augustus founded this ancient town in  16 B.C. and the city thrived for the next 400 years.  We arrived in time to beat the crowds and enjoy the Christmas market at a leisurely pace.

We quickly found my favorite treat - dutch popovers.

We walked through the oldest Christian Church in Germany.  According to my tour guide Rick Steves, in 326 A. D. Constantine began construction on two great Churches, St. Peter's in Rome and this church, also St. Peter's.  The Church holds the supposed Holy Robe of Christ brought back from Jerusalem by St. Helena, Constantine's mother.

After a few prayers, we found gluhwein.

We admired Porta Nigra, the only surviving gate from the original Roman four-mile town wall, as we left.

On our way home, we stopped in Koblenz, another town along the Mosel, to check out the Christmas market.

As we left, I had to take a picture for you Jennifer - Keith Haring is everywhere.