Thursday, January 2, 2020

From Owen

          This year has been a very interesting, happy, fun, and full of new adventures type of year. Some of the things that I would highlight over the past year are basketball camp, going back to the United States, going to the WWE event with my dad, hiking the biggest mountain, using public transportation to get to and from soccer practice, going to London, England, going to Florence/Venice/Treviso, Italy, going to Prague, Going to museums with my mom {Alebertina} and eating croissants, and playing golf in Donegal, Ireland. The two classes that I was in were/are, Mrs. Enge, and Mrs. Kuykendaul's classes. My favourite teacher out of those two is by far Mrs. Kuykendaul. Momentarily I am in fifth grade so I am in Mrs. Kuykendaul's class. Some of my friends are Micheal, Christopher, Zachary and Connor. Some of the things that I have liked in fifth grade have been how you can present things with other people and one of the projects that I did was on a sea turtle that was endangred and we had to give interesting facts about our endangered animal. My partners in the project were Ilya, and Connor. That project did not turn out to be what we hoped for but it was very fun. Another thing that we get to do that makes Mrs. Kuykendaul's class so fun is that we get to pick are partners during little group stuff like reading groups or math groups. The images on the screen are the Hawksbill sea turtle project.    

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