Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Burg Eltz

On Sunday, we visited Rick Steve's favorite European castle - Burg Eltz.  The 80 room, 40 fireplace home included 20 toilets that automatically flushed by a rain drain and a conference room where family members could discuss their squabbles.  (Though with 80 rooms it seems easy to avoid someone)  The Eltz's owned the castle for 850 years, and a current family portrait hangs with those going back 33 generations.  The castle appears today as it did in 1490, the year they completed the upgrades.  I guess after 400 years the kitchen needed renovation.  (The original castle dates from 1157.)

After 90 minutes on the highway, our GPS took us through several small German towns on the way to the castle.  We felt like Jason Borne as we drove around narrow winding roads.  Of course, unlike  Matt Damon in a slick convertible with a hip French girl, we sat in our lumbering mini-van with two preschoolers requesting more snacks form the backseat.  When we arrived, the grouchy elderly parking attendant pointed us to a spot and mumbled about a hiking path to the castle.  The kids amazed us as we left the stroller behind for the 1.5 mile hike.  Despite being told to walk, the kids ran down the narrow wet path prompting Dave to say falling would teach them a lesson.  I said that I don't mind them falling, but I don't want them to die.  The rest of the hike Emily was in repeat "I don't mind falling but I don't want to die."

 Emily asked if this was Hogwarts castle.

The kids quietly sat on the floor in each room while the tour guide explained the architecture, furniture and art.  Owen couldn't resist petting the bear rug located behind the ropes in the hunting room.   The shorter route back to our car included a steep incline that made my legs burn.  After five minutes, Owen jumped on Dave's shoulders.  Emily and I lagged behind discussing how Owen gets everything and it's just not fair.

Dave and I enjoyed a peaceful ride home.

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect weekend. Those Rhine castles are my favorite.
