Saturday, January 19, 2013

Last Day in Trapani

We woke to 75 degrees and warm sun on our last day in Sicily.  Knowing the next day (and months to follow) would be filled with snow and temperatures in the teens, we decided to walk to the port and playground.

For our last evening, we took Alessandro to dinner.  I suggested two restaurants recommended in rough guides and DK.  "Those are over priced and the food is rubbish."  Alessandro insisted on a place he loved in the next town over, "Just 10 minutes away."  Dave and I looked at each other.

We arrived at a beautiful old building on an overlook.  When we approached the door, we saw the cook eating with her family.  They clearly recognized Alessandro and rose to set the table for us.  Alessandro forbid us from eating the bread.  Without menus, he ordered four courses of food (some of which we ate so fast, I forgot to take pictures).

Antipasta: Fresh made ricotta cheese, four different types of greens, sun dried tomatoes

Fresh Pasta: A special Trapani pesto made with almonds, tomatoes, and basil

Dessert: Sweet ricotta in a fried pastry

Complimenti alla cuoca!!

A memorable trip.

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