Three shoots of espresso in my coffee yet I still lack energy. Six months without sun zapped my typical manic mentality. (It couldn't be my up-at-5:30-and-in-motion-until-8:30 schedule with periodic wake up calls from Owen peering at me at 1:00 am, "I wet my bed.") So I visited the Apotheke. Unlike in the US where chain pharmacies like Rite Aid sell aspirin over the counter and zoloft at the pharmacy, in Germany, all medications must be obtained by the pharmacist. Further, most Apothekes are independently owned and one can be found in almost every neighborhood. You explain your ailment and the pharmacist suggests a remedy. While it seems very Middle Ages with a witch doctor recommending three toad hairs and a unicorn tear, the trained German pharmacist prescribes western medicines and is much faster then at home as it can cut out the extra trip to the doctor.
At lunch, I visited an Apotheke around the corner and explained my situation, "Usually I bounce off walls and now I can barely get off the couch." He provided a 30 day liquid vitamin with an omega 6 pill. I think it is working......"I believe. I believe. I believe."
(I decided to supplement with daily green juice. I now drink an entire bag of spinach each morning. This vitamin boost helps too.)
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