I asked Emily who she sits with at lunch.
"Kaityln and Bethan. Kaityln brings the best lunches. Sometimes, I take the wrapper from her pirate's bootie and just smell it. I just wish I could have some. She also has these little chocolate chip cookies that have this guy on the front." Emily sounded like a hawk ready to pounce on her friend's snacks. I don't want her begging for other kids' food. Both German stores and the Commissary lack pirate's bootie, so Amazon now sends us a 24 pack box once a month.
Yesterday, Emily explained at snack time Bethan brings the best chocolate. She passes Emily pieces of it under the table since Miss Natalie does not let them share snacks. I told her not to sneak other people's food. She said, "Well, Bethan keeps the bigger piece."
A mother approached Dave last week, "Where do you get those small chocolate wafers?" It took Dave a minute, "Peppermint patties? At the Commissary"
"Oh, they are an American food. I have looked everywhere as Elsa comes home everyday asking for them."
I told Emily she could bring a peppermint patty to Elsa tomorrow. "Well, Miss Natalie does not let us share unless we have some for everyone." I said, "You could sneak it to her." I quickly realized I was suggesting my daughter disrespect her teacher and break the rules - over chocolate. She loved the idea, but we decided to bring Elsa's mother a whole bag of peppermint patties during the parents' day. I guess food envy is universal.
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