Saturday, February 1, 2014

Paris Weekend: Day 2

Instead of rushing to the sites, we lingered over breakfast at Maison Kayser, the "boulanger" known for superlative breads and pan au chocolat.  The buttery quiche crust, the creamy cappuccino and flaky croissant redefined a good breakfast.

Tickets for the Eiffel Tower sold out until early March.  When we arrived at the monument, no lines prevented us from buying a ticket on site and just walking right up.  We couldn't believe it.

The views from the top….

By the time we walked down, the line increased.

We walked to a cafe with the best tower views and enjoyed a three course lunch.

I realized at 7:00 pm the so-called best ice cream place, Berthillon on Ile St. Louis, closed at 8:00.  So we had to eat dessert first.  (And last, since I was full from the day.)

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