A few weeks ago, Dave and I headed to Worms after the kids left for school. A town whose glory began in the 5th century, Worms saw Charlemagne increase its prestige by making it the center of the Holy Roman Empire and Martin Luther bang on a Church door and solidify his Reformation. We frequently passed the signs steering people to the small town, so I wanted to check it off our list.
We visited the oldest Jewish Cemetery in Europe. The leaves created a breathe taking backdrop though of course I brought my camera WITHOUT its card. Dave's I-phone is just not the same.
St. Peter's Cathedral dating from the 11th century shows off its amazing High Romanesque style.
We enjoyed an Italian lunch despite dozens of nats swarming our table - three decided to swim in my wine. A German man showed me how to cover my glass when I was not drinking. Dave learned how to properly press the walking light when a Good Samaritan said Dave was "killing me softly" by pressing too hard. Always something to learn.
How do you properly cover wine?