Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Perfect Frankfurt Afternoon

The weather from all four seasons has appeared every hour the last few days.  Sleet, hail, incredible winds followed quickly by sunshine and warm temperatures.  We grabbed a basketball and headed to the hoops yesterday when the sun appeared but the heavens quickly opened and sent us back inside soaked.  We quickly prepared to bike downtown this afternoon when the sun seemed to remain in place.

The kids are finishing their first week of spring break while I complete a work marathon.  With a four day weekend upon us - Germany celebrates Easter with two major holidays Good Friday and Easter Monday - I left work at noon to start early.  We went to buy cheese at my favorite Friday farmers market, occurring today instead of tomorrow.

We bike down through the city, the kids rounding the ramp at the magnificent Alte Oper while Dave and I go by the fountain.   Of course, Emily almost runs a pedestrian over nipping his ankle as I apologize profusely. The rain appears but quickly abates.  I bring chocolate chip cookies to my cheese monger.  The kids anticipate tastes of their favorite Gruyeres and raw milk Bries.  I wince at the 40 euro tab, but only for a second.  These treats will be a memory soon.

We order hot chocolate, a mocha, and marmorkuchen and sit on the patio watching the shoppers on the Zeil and admiring the Hauptwache Church.  We walk down to the Galleria market in the U-bahn station and the smell of fresh breads bombard our senses.  I buy Tuscan salami, Sardinian wine, and Belgium chocolate along with salmon from the North Sea.  We admire the rows and rows of European chocolate and candy and wonder where we will buy Easter goodies next year.

We bike back up hill through the wind.  At the top Owen explains to me, "I got through the wind and made it up the tough hill even with someone talking to me."  "Who is the someone?" "YOU mom!"

The sun remains out as I set out the cheese and wine and we begin a round of "Go Fish" and savour the moment.

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