Sunday, September 2, 2018

First Concert

Before we moved Dave suggested we go to a Goo Goo Dolls concert in Vienna. I met his enthusiasm with a litany of comments, "I have to get up early for work. We will still be jet lagged.  We don't know if the venue is good.  How will we get there with no car. The crowds will upset the kids." A week after we arrived and in desperate need of a boost, Dave again suggested the 45 euro tickets. Since it turned out I had the next day off, I agreed to go.  I kept my negative thoughts mostly in my head though even as we walked out the door Dave reminded me I can stay home.

The moment we arrived at the venue I fell in love. I loved the outdoor space filled with graffiti art that surrounded the concert hall.

The inside felt like an intimate underground club.  I previously worried over our "standing tickets" as I imagined exceedingly tall Austrians blocking Owen's view and his complaints over tight, smelly places followed by "My legs are tired."  It turned out the entire venue was the same type of ticket and we luckily snagged four bleacher seats in the dead center. The kids could see everything.

We loved every second of the concert.  I had no idea the Goo Goo Dolls had so many hits. We can't wait for more shows at the Vienna Hall.

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