Thursday, October 18, 2018

St Giligen Day 1

Emily joined the cross country team at AIS.  I am impressed with her stamina as she trains in the hills of the Vienna Woods.  The races are with other international schools which all require overnight stays.  We decided to let her go to Munich with the team, but for her next trip to St. Gilgen, we traveled with her. (Needless to say, she prefered the Mercedes bus with her friends to the Honda CRV with her parents, but we loved her company.)

St. Gilgen was first mentioned in documents in 1376. Located on Lake Wolfgang, the small town is home to Amadeus' s sister.  In 1863, shipping on Lake Wolfgang started and brought attention to the little village.

Owen, Dave, and I stayed at a little Bed and Breakfast while Emily stayed in a hostel with her team.  On Saturday morning, we walked four miles with the group and helped facilitate the 5k race.

After the race, Emily and the Knights did a three hour hike while we enjoyed a relaxing lunch and explored the town.

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