Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Budapest Day Two

Following Rick Steve's advice, we hired a tour guide for a four hour historical view of Budapest.  I originally requested we walk, but the tour organizer adamantly insisted we rent a van due to the distance between the main sites. I am so glad we did as the van offered relief from the freezing temperatures.

We started a Hero's Square, the Who's Who of Hungarian history built to celebrate the country's 1000th birthday in 1896.

We walked through City Park to view Vajdahunyad Castle - a four part complex each representing a high point in Hungarian architectural style.

After 30 minutes, we hopped in the van to Castle Hill in Buda.

We checked out Lady Liberty,

viewed cannon holes left from various wars,

and tried to understand the damage from the WWII bombings.

We took pictures of the beautiful St. Mathis Church, but elected to avoid the lines to enter it.

After a brief rest in our apartment, we headed to the Great Market Hall - a three level marketplace selling produce, meats, and other foods.

We tried langos, the famous fried dough with cheese or sweets, though we were not big fans.

After a full day, we headed back to our apartment to warm up with the Avenger movies.

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