This is day 14 of the Coronavirus online schooling.
Online school stinks. 😷. Online school is a type of learning that they use when you can not go to school. It is mostly the same but it is just online. I am not a computer fan but I have to do it until they find a cure for the Coronavirus. The website that we use is called "Seesaw" and it is a good website but it is tough because we do not have a teacher to help us.
All of the sports are canceled so I basically have nothing to do when I finish. So far the past 2 weeks I have done a lot of running around the park, "turkachanz". My parents always say that we should take advantage to this crisis but in my opinion there is nothing to take advantage of. Don't get me wrong it is just that there is nothing to do and it gets me irritated 😤. One good thing about this is that I finish earlier then normal but then at the same time when I do finish early I have nothing to do.
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