Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hahnchen und Bier

Friday night our neighbors who are also thirtysomethings invited us to a neighborhood restaurant called the Chicken House (Hahnchen is chicken in German).  The restaurant resembled a traditional German biergarten.  The outside seating allowed us to enjoy the California like weather (no humidity, perfect temperature).  The playground allowed us to enjoy the conversation and food.

Neighbors raved about the deep-fried chicken.  I could eat the skin all day.  The waitress made fun of Dave's "girly beer" due to its small size.  (Chauvinistic language exists everywhere.)

Owen got so excited when he saw the beer as he thought it was apple-juice.

The waitress brought us free shots to end the night.  Apparently, you are suppose to put the cap on your nose as you take the shot.  

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