Monday, September 24, 2012

Typical Weekends

The last two weekends we stayed around Frankfurt.  While the white walls, neutral rugs, and plain furniture in our apartment leave me a little homesick, we needed down time and more typical activities to aid in our adjustment.  (We hope the 7000lbs of jackets, photographs, pottery barn rugs, kitchen supplies, etc we shipped arrives before Halloween.  A comedy of errors prevented its timely arrival.  First, the company forgot to ship it.  Then our four crates missed the next boat.  Hurricanes delayed the following boat for four weeks from sailing.  Finally, someone shipped one of our crates to England instead of Germany.)

Emily played soccer the last few Saturdays.  Dave is the assistant coach.  The kids run, stretch, and practice dribbling drills and then play a game where they all chase the ball.  Owen's age prevented us from signing him up for the team.  We bought him shin guards and allowed him to attend practice, but he could not do the drills or play the game with the bigger kids.  He just wants to be with Emily and do whatever she is doing.  Next year I hope he can join.


I started photography classes.  Maybe by the time my tour ends, the pictures on the blog will be decent!  My instructor held our second class at a high school cross country meet.

And of course, we spend every night reading.

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