Saturday, October 27, 2012

Our First German Snow Fall

Emily and I tested our winter clothes this morning.  We braved the snow showers and walked with wind in our faces at Emily's pace to the U-bahn.  Far fewer people crowded the zeil.  We stopped in H&M to buy Emily some gloves and continued to Konstablarwache, our favorite farmer's market.  After we bought our cheeses and apples, Emily and I shared a waffle and a cappuccino.

 The waffle maker explained she wanted to move to the US after she finished medical school.

Previously, Emily refused the waffles.  She tried them today and decided she loved them.

A peek at my favorite apple stand.


  1. How could anyone resist heart shaped treats! You inspired me to dig up mom's old waffle maker for some breakfast fun.

  2. Yeah! Glad you braved the snow! We had snow this week too. JB also loves Emily's hat as he has one just like it!

  3. Great photos and what fun treats in the snow...

    I would take a little snow as compared to the storm that's getting ready to rip through here. Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend. Thanks also for the clip you sent Arielle....she sent me the finished product last night.....NK is going to love it. Will send you the video after the big event!
