Monday, February 25, 2013

More Snow

Hoping to hit the farmer's market Saturday morning, I groaned when I looked out the window.  Really?!  More snow.  Everyone suffered from cabin fever.  We decided to suit up and find a hill to sled down.  A seemingly easy proposition except Emily said she left her snow pants at school.  I knew that meant five minutes outside before wails of agony.  I could hear, "My legs are frozen.  We need to leave right now."  We called around in search of pants, but no one was home.  Eliza was at an Easter Market.  Matthew, in Nuremberg.  Kim, skiing in the Black Forest.  Michelle had a pair of 4T's we could borrow in an hour.  Our limited pre-nap time ticking away, we waited.  Finally, Dave went to get the pants while the kids and I finished layering up.  Of course, Emily went to get her gloves and she finds her snow pants.  We drove to her school and enjoyed the small hills with nobody watching.

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