Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Finally Some Sun

Saturday morning I woke up squinting.  Emily pulled the curtains in our room, "Look, the sun!"  We quickly got dressed, grabbed our sunglasses, and headed out.  Emily geared up and Owen insisted on bringing his cars.

Unfortunately, sun did not equal heat.  After twenty minutes at the framer's market, "I am cold.  When are we going home" got stuck on repeat.  Even waffles couldn't fix it.

Emily distracted herself a little, especially when Dave and I clearly were not rushing home.

Sunday, our friend Susan came over to plan our spring trips.  I practiced my cooking skills, the kids watched a movie, and Dave golfed  -  outside.

And... Emily lost another tooth.

Quick aside:  Monday morning, Emily knocks on my bathroom door, "Daddy says you know where the tooth fairy "hid" her present. (um...)  I buy a minute claiming to get dressed, find the note I composed and four euro and enter the kids room as Dave says he found the tooth fairy's gift under Emily's camera.  The tooth fairy left presents in two spots I explain when she notices the note in my hand.  Owen runs into another room - despondent, stands in the corner, and yanks at his mouth determined to pull a tooth.

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