Friday, August 16, 2013


Glancing into my childhood room, you see an empty floor with toys and books neatly positioned on shelves and in cupboards.  In Jenny's room, you see empty shelves with books, clothes, American Doll accessories, pencils, crayons, paper, blocks feet deep covering the floor.  Grandma once attempted to hang clothes from Jenny's closet floor, but quickly retreated.  She moved onto a college door room, apartments on 14th street in Charlottesville, her lawn room, and now her apartment - all following the same "organization" pattern.  My father stopped by her place this month and considered taking her clothes home to clean, but couldn't figure out which were dirty.

So, it may shock you that she spent the remainder of her week with us organizing our house.   She found solutions for books stuffed into crates, toilettries scattered in two bathrooms, Owen's clothes in Emily's drawer, kids art in piles, and still spent her afternoons at museums.  She read every book in our library to the kids and helped sort them in nine drawers.  She created boxes for "little things" - rocks, string, toy pieces - that the kids play with regularly.  We will start the school year with labeled clothes cubbies and a place for incoming papers.  Thank you Aunt Jenny.

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