Sunday, July 27, 2014


Dave registered for the Rheinblick Open over Fourth of July weekend so I decided to take the kids someplace with water.  Ryan Air advertised cheap tickets to Palma in Mallorca, Spain.  (I also considered Croatia, but navigating the deep bay, the only option at most resorts, with two non-swimmers seemed a bad idea.)  I found a beautiful condo on the beach and planned three nights away.

Flying to another country by myself with the kids challenged my anxiety levels.  When Dave dropped us off, and Owen started crying, I thought, "I know how you feel."

We arrived at our apartment at 8 and quickly discovered a "grocery store" in Palma consisted of liquor, chips, and over ripe fruit.  Dinner of champions.

The next morning, we headed for the bus stop to see the Cathedral and then the Mercat de l'Olivar, a large food market frequented by locals. We ran when we spotted Bus 21 sitting on the street, but quickly discovered a full bus.  The two women in front of us explained this was the third full bus in the last thirty minutes.  I looked at my red faced kids and flagged a cab.

The stunning Cathedral designed by Gaudi and Barcelo exceeded my expectations.   I spent time explaining the fanciful sculpture of Christ and the strange fishes jutting from the wall to my two partners instead of taking pictures - a theme of the trip.  I learned I cannot both take pictures and prevent my kids from inappropriately running and screaming at the same time.

As promised, we stopped for ice cream.

We hopped another cab to the market for bread, meat, cheese, fruit, and vegetables for lunches and dinners.  I preferred to enjoy meals in our second floor apartment with floor to ceiling windows over looking the Mediterranean then in a restaurant.  Less opportunities for stressful moments.  I walked to the first stall and quickly realized Owen's backpack and both kids water bottles remained in the taxi.   I am grateful we took the kindles out before we left in the morning.

We spent the afternoon on the beach - all my attention devoted to lifeguard duty and educator.  Emily asked,"Why don't any of the women have those tops - like yours mommy." Hmm.

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