Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sardinia: Stintino

Lonely Planet extolled the beauty of the north west beach Spiaggi della Pelosa, an hour drive from Alghero.  We drove winding single lane roads for 45 minutes when Owen turned very green.  I decided the boat trip planned for the next day was off.  We stopped and he walked off his car sickness.

We finally arrived a little later then intended and searched for our little plot of beach.

Emily spotted paddle boats with slides for rent.  She insisted quite adamantly that we needed to try one.  15 euro later, Dave and I paddled our way to deeper waters.  I strategically planned to explore the waters before allowing the kids to jump in,  claim chills, and force an early return.  My plan failed.  20 minutes and one ride later they decided the slide scared them.  Despite protests, we paddled out and let Dave enjoy the deeper waters.

We enjoyed a few more hours in the sun.

Italy for the Gourmet Traveler led us to Ristorante La Lepanto for dinner.

And it did not disappoint….

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