Tuesday, April 21, 2015


The second day I organized a tour of Montmarte.  I hoped it would be a little less crowded then the other sites, plus we could enjoy the amazing views.  Cristinia explained the neighborhood history to the kids.

We rode the tram up to see Sacre' Coeur.

We looked over Paris,

and lit candles in the Church.

We tried to take family picture.

We enjoyed an espresso,

and walked down the "mountain."

The kids wanted to see the Eiffel Tower.  We found a playground and enjoyed the back-drop.

Then headed back to our little apartment.  Emily played a tune as we waited for the train.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Few Days in France

Emily and Owen asked us repeatedly to go to Paris.  They wanted to take the train from Frankfurt, but paying 200 euro a head made driving the four and a half hours a better option.  I found a little apartment on the Seine River in a very small town Villennes sur Seine.  We did take a 20 minute train ride into the city both days.

We started the trip with a food tour.  We learned about how the strawberries, which are currently in season, originated in South America.

We walked down a movie-set like street and tried cheeses in a Fromagerie.  We learned how the food selection of the cow, sheep, or goat affects the taste of the cheese.

Emily worked on her journal at an adjacent cafe.

Chocolate came next.  Magic bells, rather then a bunny, bring candy eggs to the kids in France.

We had eclairs at the number three shop in all of Paris.

Owen asked Mary Ellen, "Do you know Amil?" Owen's friend who also traveled to Paris over Spring Break.  "Owen Mary Ellen does not know every person who comes to visit Paris."

Emily very excitedly said "You remind me of my great-grandmother."  Um.  How do I recover from that one.

We spent a few hours at an amazing playground, which we had to walk around like eight times to figure out how to enter.

We tried to stop at the Notre Dame to visit Quasimodo, but the several thousand people standing on the square in front made us say a prayer of thanks we were not staying in the city itself.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Last Day in Rome

On our last half-day, we visited the Pantheon and Piazza Navano before our afternoon flight.  The kids each had a "Mission Rome" book throughout the trip.  They earned points finding historical markers like Marcus Agrippa's name inscribed on the temple or completing tasks like counting the number of columns at the entrance.

The Pantheon has a 27 ft wide uncovered skylight through which rain falls into the interior.  The architects designed the floor to curve so the rainwater could drain out these tiny holes.  The kids had to find a drain hole on the floor for two points.

We almost lost one as he decided he was done with us.


We also went to Campo Dei Fiori, to find Forno Campo de' Fiori known to be the best bakery in Rome.  While my family questioned the need for this out of the way stop, they appreciated my research once they took a bite.

We had a smooth trip back to Frankfurt and a few days to explore our temporary home before my parents made their way back to Huntsman Square.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Ancient Rome

On Sunday, we met Carla, a tour guide recommended by Rick Steves.  She introduced us to the city's many layers  - providing context for our Ancient Rome tour.

We walked over to the Roman Forum.  I learned the Renaissance actually caused the current state of the Forum.  When Michelangelo walked through several hundred years ago, the structures still resembled those of Julius Cesar's time.  The Popes and artists of the sixteen century pillaged the marble to create St. Pete's and other buildings.

The kids focused on their balloon animals during the tour.

They also enjoyed playing on the ancient stones.

We rested and enjoyed a snack.

We ended the tour at the Colosseum.

Owen hid from the ghosts of the lions who haunt the stadium.