Monday, April 6, 2015

Last Day in Rome

On our last half-day, we visited the Pantheon and Piazza Navano before our afternoon flight.  The kids each had a "Mission Rome" book throughout the trip.  They earned points finding historical markers like Marcus Agrippa's name inscribed on the temple or completing tasks like counting the number of columns at the entrance.

The Pantheon has a 27 ft wide uncovered skylight through which rain falls into the interior.  The architects designed the floor to curve so the rainwater could drain out these tiny holes.  The kids had to find a drain hole on the floor for two points.

We almost lost one as he decided he was done with us.


We also went to Campo Dei Fiori, to find Forno Campo de' Fiori known to be the best bakery in Rome.  While my family questioned the need for this out of the way stop, they appreciated my research once they took a bite.

We had a smooth trip back to Frankfurt and a few days to explore our temporary home before my parents made their way back to Huntsman Square.

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