Thursday, March 28, 2013

Missing American Culture

While we love the food culture, the travel opportunities, the food, the art museums, and well, the food in Europe, March reminds us (ie. Dave) of our all-time favorite American sport.  In northern Virginia, we would probably be spending Saturdays at a little league field.  Dave fondly remembers the fresh white lines, the real bleachers, and the hot dog stands.  He returned from his January trip home quipped with metal (yes metal) baseball bats, balls, and gloves for each of us.  Lacking other options, he suggested we practice ourselves.

Soccer remains the most popular sport here.  We did not sign the kids up for the German soccer leagues since our language capabilities are non existent.  When my college roommate recounted her son's sports schedule for the spring and summer, the thought crossed my mind "What if my kids get behind in sports."

Luckily, after a month of research, Dave found camps for the kids - including golf camp on Saturdays!

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