Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Week with Linda and Kevin

We spent the week showing L and K our new hood.  We joined the Frankfurt on Foot tour - though our guide's hair, half shaved and half passed her shoulders, entertained us more then her stories.  We dropped out early to eat at Meyer's - my new favorite restaurant.  We shopped on Goethestrasse - Frankfurt's Fifth Avenue.  (I did buy cute pink rhinestone sneakers.)   I showed off my new cooking skills, and we watched Mad Men while eating peanut butter cookies.

They took the train to Paris for a few days -  Emily kept asking, "Why can't I go too?" - and returned late Thursday night.  We spent their last few days local.  We went to Aschaffenburg, a small town on the Main with a huge Renaissance palace.

At Linda's insistence, we stopped at a playground.

This morning we said, "Cheerio, but be back soon."

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