Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fourth of July

Summer here means good-byes and hellos.  (One friend's office had a "Wheels Up" party to celebrate a detested collegues' departure.)  Dave and I welcomed a new family, Katie, JP , and sweet baby James, on Wednesday.  As their sponsors, we unpacked their welcome kit, bought a few groceries, showed them the best food markets and toured the grocery store.  On the Fourth, we took them to a small BBQ where we all met more new families.  I made a French tarte - American style.

Emily took her responsibilities very seriously.

The Fieldhouse also hosted a party.  The kids painted their hands,  jumped in the bounce houses, and rode the wild bull.

We returned home to watch the Nationals beat the Padres.  Totally surreal - eating BBQ, watching baseball, and celebrating the fourth in Frankfurt Germany.

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