Sunday, July 7, 2013

Perfect Weekend

The 75 degree-no-humidity weather beckoned us outside this weekend.  Saturday morning, we biked to the Konstablerwache market for our favorite waffles.  The kids navigated their bikes around crowds of people, strollers, and other bikers.  We enjoyed perfectly cooked powdered sugar hearts while we watched the flurry of people running Saturday morning errands.  After an hour, we jumped on the U-bahn to the river for a ride.  The kids love the sesaws and I love sitting in anonymity admiring the European architecture.  On our way home, we spotted a festival across the way.  I negotiated - ice cream now, rides tomorrow.

This morning my neighbor took me on a five mile run.  I decided to train for the Frankfurt marathon, and she has done dozens over the last decade.  Mid-morning, we packed a picnic and headed downtown to watch the end of the Frankfurt Ironman.  I am in awe of these athletes.  We cheered both the men and the women leaders as we ate Cheetos in the shade.  I forgot my camera so I relied on Dave's Iphone to capture a few moments.

Emily pestered us to walk to the rides.  We relented and put the kids in the bounce house.  A four year old kid came behind Owen and viciously pushed him from behind.  The parent said nothing.  We removed Owen, praised him for not pushing back, and began discussing cultural issues.  Of course, Dave and I fumed and empathized with our child.  After a year of playground visits and festivals, we noticed a rougher behaviour from the kids and adults who barely notice.  In Waynewood, we believe the parents would have swooped in immediately, apologized, and disciplined the child.  Incidents like these cause us to create stereotypes.  At the next ride, Emily boarded the dumbo-like seat and another child literally pushed her out of the way and got in.  Again, silence from the parent who stood a foot away.   Hmmm.

We ended the day with painted faces and yes, more ice cream.

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