Saturday, February 8, 2014

Florence: A Day of Art

The next day, I organized a "Context" tour of the Uffizi Gallery.  I discovered "Context" through Trip Advisor and loved the concept.  They "provide in-depth alternatives to traditional tours by using a network of architects, historians, art historians, and other specialists."  AND the tours are in English.  The Paris tours booked early so Florence provided my first opportunity.  Patricia Rucidlo, our guide breathed the Italian Renaissance.  She described the Medici's and the dynamics between Raphael and Michelangelo like she knew them personally.  I loved every minute of it.  We again walked right into one of the busiest museums in Europe.  Gotta love traveling in January.  An older couple (like at least 70's) from California joined the tour.  (He was a well connected venture capitalist sporting his Notre Dame green. "Yes, Mark Zuckerman is a pretty nice guy.")

After the tour, we revisited the wine shop for a leisurely lunch followed by a little more shopping.

Our hotel sat adjacent to the Duomo.

 I did not want  to leave.

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