Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy (7th) Birthday Emily

Emily celebrated her birthday in style.   She woke up at 6 am on Jan 22 - an hour earlier than usual - "it's my birthday."  Two slightly aggravated parents explained,"Today is still a school day.  Birthdays are not like Christmas.  We do not all get off."  When she got off the bus in the afternoon, plenty of presents awaited - packages form Aunt Jenny, Aunt Linda, Gigi and Grandad, Mima and P-pa.

And of course, there was cake.

Our angel - halo and all

A few days later she chose five friends to bring to "Frozen."  The movie played in English at the posh German theater downtown where you buy tickets for actual assigned seats.  The girls sang "Do you want to build a snowman" all the way to the U-bahn.

I loved the movie.  (One of my favorite actors Josh Gad played Olaf and more importantly, the women in the film did not depend on Prince Charming.)  Several great themes for this crew - including the kid hiding in the back.

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