Tuesday, April 2, 2019

30th Dave Matthews Concert

Much has changed since my first DMB concert New Years Eve 1996.  All of our high school friends, home from college for Christmas break, met on Arley Drive at Amy Adamchak's house.  We caravanned to Norfolk for the New Year's Eve concert - ten of us piling into three cars and two hotel rooms. Carefree.

After a brief hiatus, Dave and I went with Colleen and Robbie the year after graduation to see a Dave show at RFK and we were hooked. 

We sat in nosebleed seats at the MCI center having arrived an hour early. We ignored an odd guy who kept saying "are you in the fan club" until I realized we should just say yes.  Twenty minutes later, we looked straight at Dave from front row center seats.  It pays to be in the fan club.  We followed them to Madison Square, to Pittsburgh, back to Norfolk. 

I watched them through a summer of shows nursing a pregnant sick stomach.  We spent our anniversary in Charlottesville - two shows in a row.

We hoped they would come to Frankfurt, and they did the fall after we moved back to DC. 

Last week, without Leroi or Boyd, in a very quiet crowd, with my 10 and 12 year old kids, I watched my 30th show.

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