Saturday, May 3, 2014


Our final day in Holland, we returned to the Keukenhof, the second largest flower garden in the world.  (Holland itself resembled a garden as their main crop, bulb flowers, lined the roadside.)

The Keukenhof includes a variety of garden styles. The English landscape garden features winding paths and unexpected see-through points. The historical garden is an enclosed garden with many old types of bulbs. The nature garden consists of a water garden where shrubs and perennials are combined with bulbous plants. The Japanese country garden is a non-traditional garden in a natural environment.

We figured the warm weather and the later visit guaranteed flowers.  Plus, the outdoor space which included several play areas, seemed perfect for four young children.

The kids remembered a "hot dog" stand - the highlight of last year's cold, flowerless trip.  "We have to get a hot dog," began when we entered the park.   Determined, we searched the for this one stand.  A taste of home.

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