Sunday, May 11, 2014

Vienna, Austria: Mommy and Me Weekend

While Emily flew to the States for her spring break (which did not overlap with Owen's), Owen and I enjoyed "mommy and me" time.  We started our week visiting the Habsburgs, the old Austrian Monarchy, and my friend Diane in Vienna.  We bid adieu to Dave and Emily at the airport and headed to our separate terminals.

Owen and I stayed at a hotel down the street from Diane.  I forgot two of her wards, Isabelle and Magellan, are of the feline species.  (My extreme cat allergy forced us into a hotel.)  The first morning, we met at her favorite cafe for incredible croissants and a Wiener Melange,  a specialty coffee drink similar to a cappuccino.

Diane took the day off and decided to keep Colton, her oldest, home from school to play with Owen.  We relaxed, laughed, and caught up over coffee thanks to Angry Birds.  I wanted this trip to be kid-centric, so Diane took us to the Vienna Woods, forested highlands within the city boundaries.

Once a hunting ground for the royal family, this area now hosts hikes, concerts, and vineyards.  We spent several hours watching the kids climb the wooden structures.

Before dinner, Owen and I bonded over ice cream.

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